Email: adli@tjcu.edu.cn
(1) 2013-9至2016-6, 天津大学, 管理科学与工程, 博士
(2) 2011-9至2013-6, 天津大学, 工业工程, 硕士
(3) 2007-9至2011-6, 北京邮电大学, 物流工程, 本科
[1] Li, A.-D.*, He, Z., Wang, Q., & Zhang, Y.* (2019). Key quality characteristics selection for imbalanced production data using a two-phase bi-objective feature selection method. European Journal of Operational Research, 274(3), 978–989. (ABS4, FMS A类, SCI)
[2] Li, A.-D.*, Xue, B., & Zhang, M. (2020). Multi-objective feature selection using hybridization of a genetic algorithm and direct multisearch for key quality characteristic selection. Information Sciences, 523, 245–265. (FMS B类, CCF B类, SCI)
[3] Li, A.-D., He, Z., & Zhang, Y.* (2022). Robust multi-response optimization considering location effect, dispersion effect, and model uncertainty using hybridization of NSGA-II and direct multi-search. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 169, 108247. (ABS2, FMS B类, SCI)
[4] Li, A.-D.*, Xue, B., & Zhang, M. (2021). Improved binary particle swarm optimization for feature selection with new initialization and search space reduction strategies. Applied Soft Computing, 106, 107302. (SCI)
[5] Li, A.-D., He, Z.*, & Zhang, Y. (2016). Bi-objective variable selection for key quality characteristics selection based on a modified NSGA-II and the ideal point method. Computers in Industry, 82, 95–103. (ABS2, FMS B类, SCI)
[6] He Z., Hu H., Zhang M., Zhang Y., & Li A.-D.* (2022). A decomposition-based multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm with a local search strategy for key quality characteristic identification in production processes. Computers & Industrial Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2022.108617 (ABS2, FMS B类, SCI)
[7] Zhang, Y., Shang, Y., & Li, A.-D.* (2021). Self-information-based weighted CUSUM charts for monitoring Poisson count data with varying sample sizes. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 37(5), 1847–1862. (SCI)
[8] Zhang, Y., Shang, Y., Hu, X., & Li, A.-D.* (2022). An improved exponential EWMA chart for monitoring time between events. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. doi:10.1002/qre.3102 (SCI)
[9] 李岸达, 何桢, & 何曙光 (2016).基于NSGA-Ⅱ的非平衡制造数据关键质量特性识别. 系统工程理论与实践, 36(6): 1472-1479. (FMS 中文T1级)
[1] 基于机器学习的复杂制造过程关键质量因素识别与在线质量预测研究, 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 (72101182), 2022-01至2024-12, 在研, 主持
[2] 多阶段复杂产品制造过程关键质量特性识别研究, 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(19YJC630071), 2019-01至2021-12, 在研, 主持
[3] 复杂制造过程中轮廓数据监控方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 (71401123), 2015-01至2017-12,结题,参与
[4] 基于信息熵的事件动态控制图研究, 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(19YJC630221), 2019-01至2021-12, 在研, 第一参与人
[5] 基于非平衡数据的复杂产品关键质量特性识别研究, 天津市高等学校人文社会科学研究项目, 2017-01至2019-12,结题,主持
1. 2018年度天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第三层次人选
2. 入选天津市高校“青年后备人才支持计划”
3. 天津市教学团队成员
4. 2019年天津商业大学优秀教师