团结拼搏 自强不息
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2024年03月19日 16:22  点击:[]


教育背景:2012-09 至 2018-06, 燕山大学, 控制科学与工程, 博士








1)机器学习及应用 (2)智能计算与信息处理


1. Ma Yunpeng, Zhang Xinxin , Song Jiancai , Chen Lei. A modified teaching–learning-based optimization algorithm for solving optimization problem[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 212:106599.SCI 1区)

2. Ma Yunpeng, Xu Chenheng, Wang Hua, Liu Shengkai, Gu Xiaoying. Time series online forecasting based on Sequence Decomposition Learning Networks[J].Applied Soft Computing, 2023,148:110907.(SCI 1区)

3. Ma Yunpeng, Wang Xiaolu, Meng Wanting. A Reinforced Whale Optimization Algorithm for Solving Mathematical Optimization Problems[J].Biomimetics, 2024, 9(9):576.(SCI 3区)

4. Ma Yunpeng, Xu Chenheng, Wang Hua, Wang Ran, Liu Shilin, Gu Xiaoying.Model NOx, SO2 Emissions Concentration and Thermal Efficiency of CFBBB ased on a Hyper-Parameter Self-Optimized Broad Learning System[J].Energies, 2022,15:7700.SCI 3区)

5. Ma Yunpeng, Chang Chang, Lin Zehua, Zhang Xinxin, Song Jiancai, ChenLei. Modified Marine Predators Algorithm hybridized with teaching learning mechanism for solving optimization problems[J].Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering,2022,20(1): 93–127.SCI 4区)

6. Ma Yunpeng, Niu Peifeng, Yan Shanshan, Li Guoqiang. A modified online sequential extreme learning machine for building circulation fluidized bed boiler's NOx emission model[J]. Applied mathematics and computation. 2018, 334:214-226.SCI 2区)

7. Ma Yunpeng, Niu Peifeng, Zhang Xinxin, Li Guoqiang. Research and application of quantum-inspired double parallel feed-forward neural network[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2017, 136:140-149. SCI 2区)

8. Niu Peifeng, Ma Yunpeng, Yan Shanshan. A modified teaching-learning-based optimization algorithm for numerical function optimization[J]. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2019,10:1357-1371. SCI 3区)

9. Niu Peifeng, Ma Yunpeng, Li Guoqiang. Model NOx emission and thermal efficiency of CFBB based on an ameliorated extreme learning machine[J].Soft computing, 2018, 22:4685-4701.SCI 3区) 

10. Niu Peifeng, Ma Yunpeng, Li Mengning, Yan Shanshan, Li Guoqiang.A Kind of Parameters Self-adjusting Extreme Learning Machine[J]. Neural Processing Letters, 2016, 44(3):813-830.SCI 4区)

11. Zhang Yakun, Ma Yunpeng, Wu Yang, Liu Lingling. Achieving widely distributed feature matches using flattened-affine-SIFT algorithm for fisheye images[J]. Optics Express, 2024, 32(5):7969-7986. SCI 2区)

12. Song Jiancai, Zhang Liyi, Jiang Qingling, Ma Yunpeng, et al. Estimate the daily consumption of natural gas in district heating system based on a hybrid seasonal decomposition and temporal convolutional network model[J]. Applied Energy, 2022, 309:118444.(SCI 1区)

13. Song Jiancai, Zhang Liyi, Xue Guixiang, Ma Yunpeng, et al. Predicting Hourly Heating Load in a District Heating System Based on a Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2021, 243(3):110998.(SCI 2区)

14. Ma Yunpeng, Wang Heqi, Zhang Xinxin, et al. Three-objective optimization of boiler combustion process based on multi-objective teaching-learning based optimization algorithm and ameliorated extreme learning machine[J]. Machine Learning with Applications, 2021, 5:100082.

15. Chen Lei, Hao Congwang, Ma Yunpeng. A Multi-Disturbance Marine Predator Algorithm Based on Oppositional Learning and Compound Mutation[J]. Electronics, 2023, 11(24):4087.(SCI 4区)

16. Chen Lei, Song Na, Ma Yunpeng. Harris hawks optimization based on global cross-variation and tent mapping[J]. Journal of supercomputing, 2023, 79(5):5576-5614.(SCI 3区)

17. Zhang Xinxin, Ma Yunpeng, Gao Shan, Song Jiancai, Chen Lei. Robust synchronization analysis of delayed fractional order neural networks with uncertain parameters[J]. AIMS MATHEMATICS, 2022, 7(10):18883-18896.(SCI 4区)

18. Chen Lei, Tian Yu, Ma Yunpeng. An improved grasshopper optimization algorithm based on dynamic dual elite learning and sinusoidal mutation[J]. Computing, 2022, 104(5):981-1015.(SCI 3区)

19. Liu Shilin, Ma Yunpeng, Wang Ran, Dong Wenju, Wang Yuyin. Optimize the NOx emission concentration of Circulation Fluidized Bed Boiler based on on-line learning neural network and modified TLBO algorithm[C]. ICMLC 2022: 2022 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC), 2022. (EI)

20. Ma Yunpeng, Tang Haoheng, Wang Heqi, Wang Zhenying, Zhang Xinxin, Li Lipeng. A novel chaotic teaching learning based optimization algorithm and its application in optimization of extreme learning machine[C]. Journal of physics:conference series, 2021.(EI)

21. Zhang Xinxin, Ma Yunpeng*. LMIs conditions to robust pinning synchronization of uncertain fractional-order neural networks with discontinuous activations[J]. Soft Computing, 2020, 24(21):15927-15935. SCI 3区)

22. Zhang Xinxin, Niu Peifeng, Hu Xiaobin, Ma Yunpeng, Li Guoqiang. Global quasi-synchronization and global anti-synchronization of delayed neural networks with discontinuous activations vianon-fragile control strategy[J]. Neurocomputing, 2019, 361(7):1-9.SCI 2区)

23. Zhang Xinxin, Niu Peifeng, Ma Yunpeng, Wei Yanqiao, Li Guoqiang.Global Mittag-Leffler stability analysis of fractional-orderimpulsive neural networks with one-side Lipschitz condition[J].Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society, 2017, 94:67. SCI 1区)

24. Niu Peifeng, Chen Ke, Ma Yunpeng, Li Xia, Liu Aling, Li Guoqiang.Model turbine heat rate by fast learning network with tuning based on ameliorated krill herd algorithm[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2016,118(15):80-92. SCI 2区)

25. Li Guoqiang, Niu Peifeng, Ma Yunpeng, Wang Hongbin, Zhang Weiping.Tuning extreme learning machine by an improved artificial bee colony to model and optimize the boiler efficiency[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014, 67(3):278-289. SCI 3区)

26. 马云鹏,牛培峰, 陈科, 闫姗姗, 李国强. 基于混沌分组教与学优化算法锅炉 NO x 模型优化研究[J]. 计量学报, 2018, 39(1):125-129.

27. 牛培峰, 马云鹏, 张京, 张鑫, 李国强. 基于相关向量机的电站锅炉NOx 燃烧优化[J]. 计量学报, 2016, 37(2):191-196.

28. 牛培峰, 马云鹏, 张欣欣,胡晓宾. 基于人工智能技术的火电厂燃煤锅炉 智 能 燃 烧 优 化 研 究 及 应 用 [J]. 智 能 科学与技术学报, 2019,1(2):143-170.

29. 牛培峰, 吴志良, 马云鹏, 史春见, 李进柏. 基于鲸鱼优化算法的汽轮机热耗率模型预测[J]. 化工学报, 2017, 68(3):1049-1057










9.参与.面向 CPS 的高效状态感知方法研究,天津市高校科技发展基金项目,2022年.




